The Rhetorical Triangle

2 min readMar 3, 2024


Ethos, Pathos, Logos



  • Personal Branding
  • Confidence in delivery
  • Cites credible sources

Ethos is the Greek term for “ethics”, It is made to represent credibility of the person making a communication. Ethos is established through a variety of factors, including status, awareness, professionalism, celebrity endorsement, research, and so forth. Build an ethos to make your audience trust what you are saying.



  • Stories
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Vivid language

Pathos is the Greek term for “emotion”. It is made to represent how an audience feels or experiences a message. The appeal of pathos makes a person feel excited, sad, angry, motivated, jealous, or any other number of emotions that may persuade them to act based on what you say.



  • Structure of the speech (opening/body/conclusion)
  • Reference to studies, statistics, case studies
  • Comparison, analogies, and metaphors

Logos is the Greek term for “logic”. It is made to represent the facts, research, and other message elements that provide proof or evidence to a claim. Use Logos to convince your audience that what they are hearing or seeing is well researched, well built, or otherwise worth their time.

The Rhetorical Triangle




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